Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Introducing the Art Experiences Blog

The world is currently locked in left-brain linear thought patterns, causing stress within and between individuals, families, businesses, countries, and the planet.

The purpose of Art Experiences is to help people access and utilize the right sides of their brains through the process of using intense observation to activate muscle movement to create drawings. It does not matter what the marks on the paper look like! It is the process of transferring visual input to hand movement that stimulates the right side of the brain. Many drawing exercises are done without looking at the paper, so it is easier to let go of fear and enjoy the experience. Participants in a session of Art Experiences all sit around the same table to enable bonding. All share in the mystery, the uncertainty, and the fun.

Obtaining a balance between the linear logic of the head and the wide-view perceptions of the heart is the first step in calming a chaotic life. Inner calm and balance foster intuitiveness, creativity, and a reaching out beyond the small world of the self. Inner peace and outward awareness creates bonding in ever-increasing circles: family, community, business, and the world. This is the goal of Art Experiences.

"Inner Peace Brings World Peace"

“…Originality is a practice that can be learned … with a certain amount of attention and surrender. As with any creative endeavor, originality in thinking, in being, requires a heightened state of alertness, a bridging of the poles, a show of fearlessness and willingness to forfeit the known for the unknown, the learned for the experienced.”

The Art of Original Thinking
The Making of a Thought Leader
Jan Philips ©2006

The "Inner Peace Brings World Peace" bumper sticker is available through www.shadybrook.org

©2006 Kristen S. Boyesen

1 comment:

Kristen S. Boyesen said...

Thanks, Adam. I had great fun presenting Art Experiences to your business. Now that you have taken that first step and know that you can make marks on paper that are beautiful to look at, keep on drawing! Continue with the exercises done without looking at the paper. Practice the negative shape game with the rubber bands. The fun and relaxation is in the doing.

Here are comments by friends who responded to the launch of http://art-experiences.blogspot.com/ by private email. Names given with permission.

"I have occasionally done this sort of thing, and it is FUN as well as
sometimes amazingly productive of growth. Cleveland is a long way from where I live, but if I lived within a reasonable distance I'd show up sooner or later.

"Good luck with it!

"Frank DeMarco"
Always an encouraging word, at www.hamptonroadspub.com/blog Something new
every day. Stop in from time to time.
I LOVE your comments!

Kristen - This is beautiful ... I am in the process of starting a "Farm" for kids (with Alcohol Related Neurological Dysfunction problems or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) to come to. The big emphasis will be my garden program, the mini animals and different room with crafts  like pottery, woodworking and even a "Sensory Experiencing" room. I am also trying to establish a clinic for doctors to come & volunteer their talents to do evaluations for FASD. I would Love to have you somehow be a part of this.
Hi Kristen,

Your art....blog is really great.