Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ingenuity Arts and Technology Festival Proposal

A brainstorming session on Saturday with the movers and shakers of the Ingenuity Cleveland Festival of Arts and Technology, has resulted in my working on a proposal to be included in the presentations for 2007, and it is pretty exciting.

Prior to the brainstorming session, we toured the site, this year the theater district of Cleveland. All of the theaters will be open for programs. Additionally, there will be stages, productions, music and art tucked into every nook and cranny in the surrounding blocks. It will be a transformation and a 'happening' of major proportions with artists, performers and musicians from all over the world. The different areas were pointed out so we, the local artists, could envision our projects in the various locations prior to submitting our projects for review.

So, in addition to being immersed in a plumbing project with contractors for the last few days, I have been writing my proposal for Art Experiences digital style, with brain scans to show how brain activity changes during the creative process.

Stay tuned!

©2006 Kristen S. Boyesen

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