Sunday, February 11, 2007

I took the plunge

This is my first post with the New Blogger with a Google Account. I had five blogs migrate at once, and it took less than a minute. I have not yet looked at them, but since it went so smoothly, I would imagine everything is OK.


Ron Southern said...

Shit,you hope!

Kristen said...

So, far, not too much to complain about. I had to re-enter my web page url, and if you go to my profile, the blog names all contain html. The purpose for this is to make the title of each blog be a live link back to the top of the blog. In old blogger, this html disappeared into the ether, while still doing their job. With new blogger, they want to be seen, thus making my list of blogs in 'my profile' look nuts!

Hit any link to any of the blogs, and a list will appear that is more readable. And, if you go hunting anywhere on a blog, just hit the top title to get back to the top.