Friday, November 03, 2006

Art Experiences for Team Building

Team Building is an ever-growing activity. There are retreats, cruises, presentations and workshops with games, cooking, comedy, and theme-based escapes; all with the purpose of stimulating the thought processes of individuals while building a sense of loyalty to and excitement about the company, workplace, or organization.

Art Experiences is different. It does not require a retreat. The materials are readily available. A program led by a facilitator from Art Experiences can become an ongoing activity within the company, led by different team members as a group activity, or done by individuals for fun and relaxation.

What happens at an Art Experiences Team Building session? Participants will hear short readings to stimulate their imaginations. Music will set the mood for the activity. Many of the various drawing exercises will be done without looking at the paper, because it does not matter what the drawing looks like. Participants share their drawings and feelings about the experience with each other. Longer sessions may include a group activity to create a single image composed of many parts.

None of us can draw! That is fine. It is not necessary. “Mistakes” in drawing are not possible, as it is the process and the experience that are beneficial. Silly-looking drawings are for shared fun, and can be stamped with different sayings such as “Don’t blame me, My teacher made me do it!”

To book an Art Experiences presentation: Contact Kristen S. Boyesen through the email link on the homepage in profile.

©2006 Kristen S. Boyesen


Marshall O'Brien - Taste Success said...

There are a lot of great operations out there that helped us set up our corporate team building business.
We now have a 2 year old new team building company in Minneapolis, MN.
What differentiates us from the others is three factors:
1.) team building is our sole focus, nothing else. It’s our only revenue source.
2.) We customize each event, it’s not a cookie cutter product.
3.) We are mobile, so we can go all over the state.
Check us out -
Marshall O’Brien

Anonymous said...

Have you tried taking people into the woodlands and creating art. There's a great challenge to be had creating art with bits of wood, old leaves, feathers and other organic materials.